Space Agencies

ComisiĆ³n Nacional de Actividades Espaciales ( CONAE, Argentina )
Information on the Centro Regional de Datos Satelitales (CREDAS) and on Argentina's National Space Plan
Danish Space Research Institute ( DSRI, Denmark )
ESA - Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station ( ESA - VILSPA: IUE, ISO )
General information on the ESA Satellite Tracking Station and on the projects supported at Villafranca: IUE, Marecs and ISO (in the near future). The service includes links to other ESA Establishments.
ESA/ESTEC Astrophysics Division
An overview of the activities of the Astrophysics Division, information of the projects, location, etc.: local information - staff, general news, job vacancies, meetings and symposia, astrophysics research activities at ESTEC, ESA astronomy project activities, astronomical data archives. Links to several sites likely to be useful to astronomers are also provided.
ESRIN - European Space Agency ( ESRIN )
ESRIN is one of the four establishements of the European Space Agency. ESRIN's main activities are centered on the acquisition, archiving and dissemination of data from Earth Observation missions in particular ERS-1 for which it is responsible for operating the ground infrastructure needed. ESRIN's main function is as the Agency's data handling and dissemination centre, being at the forefront of technologically advanced information systems.
ESTEC - European Space Agency ( ESA/ESTEC )
European Space Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, one of the three centers of the European Space Agency (ESA).
European Space Agency (ESA) (3) ( - from ST-ECF at ESO )
European Space Agency Astrophysics Division
SAX. Low-energy gas-scintillation detector (LEGSPC) for the SAX X-ray observatory. P.I. Brian Taylor, Co-I Arvind Parmar ISM. Interstellar Medium Astronomy PCD. The ESA Photon Counting Detector on the Nordic Optical Telescope at La Palma. P.I. Malcolm Fridlund STJ. The STJ program for optical and X-ray photon detectors. COMPTEL. The COMPTEL telescope on-board GRO.
European Space Agency ( ESA )
Main access points are:
European Space Operations Centre ( ESA/ESOC )
ESOC is the satellite control centre of the European Space Agency (ESA). It is responsible for the operations of all satellites and related ground stations and communications network.
International Small Satellite Organization ( ISSO MicroSpace Network )
The ISSO MicroSpace Network is an information clearinghouse for anyone interested in small and low cost space programs. Our server is available 24 hours a day for those seeking company and product information, as well as news and stories of general interest to the space enthusiast.
International Space Science Institute
ISSI is an Institute in Switzerland at which scientists from different countries can work together. Its main task is to contribute to the achievement of a deeper understanding of the results from space-research missions, adding value to those results through multi-disciplinary research in an atmosphere of international cooperation.
International Space University ( ISU )
The International Space University is an interdisciplinary, intercultural and international institution preparing individuals to respond to the current needs and the increasing and evolving demands of the space sector, through multidisciplinary education and research programs.
Italian Space Agency ( ASI )
Midcourse Space Experiment ( MSX )
BMDO's Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX)- The MSX observatory is a Ballistic Missile Defense Organization project which offers major benefits for both the defense and civilian sectors. With a solid heritage in the successful Delta series, MSX represents the first system demonstration of technology in space to identify and track ballistic missiles during their midcourse flight phase. The spacecraft features an advanced multispectral image capability to gather data on test targets and space background phenomena. MSX will aid future spacecraft design by monitoring on-orbit contamination of optical instruments. In addition, its investigation of the composition and dynamics of Earth's atmosphere promises increased understanding of the environment. The MSX homepage describes the mission, the spacecraft and instruments, and the associated science teams. News and points-of-contact information is also available.
NAS/NRC Space Studies Board
The SSB is an advisory board within the National Research Council, which is in turn the operational arm of the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering. The SSB operates a number of standing committees and task groups that perform studies in space science and policy for the federal government.
NASA Ames Research Center ( ARC )
NASA Astrophysics Division
Includes What's New, Communicating with the Division, About Programs and Missions, Advisory Committees and Management Operations Working Groups, and List of Meetings.
NASA Astrophysics FTP File Server ( NASA Astrophysics )
Contains: General Information; NRAs, Committee Reports, Newsletters (Inside Astrophysics0
NASA Dryden Flight Research Facility ( DFRF )
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center ( GSFC, Greenbelt, MD )
(GSFC also has a Gopher server for GSFC, NASA, networking, US government)
NASA Headquarters ( from GSFC )
NASA Internet Connection
This is a list of known connections to NASA Internet services
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( JPL )
NASA Johnson Space Center ( JSC )
NASA Kennedy Space Center ( KSC )
NASA Langley Research Center ( LaRC )
MISSION: An extensive listing of online NASA resources is here
NASA Lewis Research Center ( LeRC )
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center ( MSFC )
NASA Network Application and Information Center ( NAIC )
The Network Applications And Information Center (NAIC), located at Ames Research Center, was established in March 1993 to coordinate network information center (NIC) services for NASA. The NAIC mission is: (1) To facilitate a distributed system of NASA Center NICs. (2) To distribute and assist NASA users with advanced applications programs developed or supported by the ANA group. (3) To act as liaison between NASA and other government network information activities. (4) To foster the use of information protocols, standards, and procedures among NASA NICs that are conducive to quick and easy network access to online information resources. (5) To serve as a NIC of first and last resort for users at Centers without NICs and for scientists and educators coming from other networks. (6) To act as a high-level referral center for NASA information resources.
NASA Online Information
NASA pages by subject ( NASA )
NASA Research Announcements
e.g. Astrophysics Data Program in nra_93-oss-05
WAIS index to abstracts from NASA's Selected Current Space Aeronautics (SCAN) abstract service
NASA Scientific and Technical Information ( STI )
NASA Space Science Data Operations Office ( SSDOO )
NASA Space Sensors and Instrument Technology ( NASA OSAT Space Instrument Technology )
The intention of the Sensors and Instrument Technology home page is to provide convenient access to program information for those involved or interested in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Sensors and Instruments Technology Program. This is an experimental service provided by the Spacecraft Systems Division staff of the Office of Space Access and Technology at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA )
The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):
National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA )
Space Environment Laboratory
The Space Environment Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provides near real-time monitoring and forecasting of the environment between the sun and the earth. Our WWW server features Today's Solar Weather with current solar images, xray and proton plots from GOES satellites, and the latest forecast of solar-terrestrial conditions.
StarTrax: an Astrophysics Information System ( WWW AIS )
StarTrax 2.0 is a forms interface to the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) database management system at NASA's GSFC, which allows browsing of various astronomical catalogs and archival datafiles, providing a vast selection of data from X-ray and Gamma-ray astronomy missions including ROSAT, ASCA, Compton GRO, Einstein and EXOSAT. The Browse facility incorporates a name resolver to convert object names to coordinates; it will also provide multiple downloading of data products. Best results can be obtained by following the configuration instructions.
WebStars ( Astrophysics on the Web )
WebStars, at NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center, is about astronomy & astrophysics; the Space Science Web Group; software & icons downloading; WWW technical pages & style guides; on-line articles about astronomy on the Web; HEASARC/StarTrax Browse and other online services; and virtual reality. If you have a document or resource you wish to be included, send me the text (preferably HTML) or a URL. WebStars is referenced by many other sites on the Web. It has been expanded and reorganised extensively since its first announcement in February, so visit again! The What's New page lists file change dates, to help you discover updates. Also, there are New Additions areas.
World Data Center A for Rockets and Satellites ( WDC-A )

Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli